Our Founder Met Arlan Hamilton!
I had the privilege of attending @innovateinclusion private reception for powerhouse VC Arlan Hamilton (@arlanwashere) founder of @backstagecapital and proud #blackfemale and #blackgay investor.
Inspired, humbled, grateful don't even to begin to capture how I felt at this event. Beyond the excellent featured guests Innovate Inclusion also attracted an exceptional audience of #blackexcellence.
Everyone I chatted with were leaders in their industry. At the head of amazing start-ups, incubators or important initiatives within their company.
I share this with you, my #KidsSwagFam, because attending sessions like this remind me of my purpose and reinforce the importance of @kidsswagco. Kids Swag is the embodiment of what has helped fuel me to keep pushing in my career and life. Representation!
Representation has built my confidence to a level I never knew before. I struggled with confidence as a youth. I had a limited view of my potential because I was black and the world around me unfortunately reinforced that feeling daily. Seeing black excellence reinforces my feelings that I do belong, and I can go anywhere I want and do anything I want.
It's my hope that my girls and the children in your life start from a place of confidence because the norm is black excellence and they are a part of that narrative.
Here are a few pics of me with Arlan
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