Swimma Caps - Swim Caps for Afro Hair

Swimma Caps were created by a loving mother in South Africa and specially designed for Dreadlocks, Braids, Afro, Long Hair and Weaves.
Which size should I buy?
Tots Age 2-5
Kids Age 6 - 10
For adults sizes please see below
This all depends on the head size. The AfroRegular and AfroLarge are both have the same opening size (22cm wide) – the difference is in the space available for hair. The AfroRegular has plenty of space for most people, the AfroLarge even more for those really long dreads or thick braids.
Does it really keep my hair 100% dry?
Silicone is the best material to keep hair as dry as possible. When fitted properly, over the ears, the cap will keep your hair dry. Naturally, if you go under water there is always a possibility of it not being completely sealed around your head and some water may get in but under all normal circumstances, this will be very limited.
Please see below for guidance on sizing for our adult swim caps.