A Conversation Guide: Discussing Race with Your Kids

Did you realize that as early as 3 years old, kids are classifying people based on their appearances? (Source: The Atlantic) .

What Can You Do? As a parent I implore you to start having the conversation about race Early. 

This post summarizes my advice on how to start the conversation about race and yes it starts as early as age 0!.

Because the first conversation about race isn't a conversation at all. It's about practicing Mindful Representation.

I am so passionate about Kids Swag because I am so passionate about my two black daughters and all kids of diverse backgrounds no longer having to feel the crushing pain of not being good enough because of their skin, their hair and their culture.

I know as a parent of a black girls it's not IF but WHEN will my child experience racism. I know I have to prep my girls early by surrounding them with images that let them know they're beautiful, I have to continually use empowering language to help them have the words they need to fight the negativity.

At age 5, when Kiera was called dirty by her non-black classmate I was more hurt than she was. She was confused but brushed it off and said I love my skin mommy (phew). I held my composure and cried alone after she went to bed. The hate had started at the tender age of 5 and it happens because non-black parents want to be colorblind. Please know being Colorblind is not okay.

allyship problem with being color blind
The below guide is for my black and non-black parents. For black parents know you have to start young immersing your child in images that reflect their beauty. I have witnessed time again a black mom at a lost as to why their child doesn't like their skin or hair. If you're not actively surrounded them with images of themselves the mainstream world is silently telling them they do not belong. .
For my non-black parents this guide offers a framework on how to be intentional about raising children that don't unintentionally erode the confidence of a black child and other children that do not look like them.

Know there are levels to racism and a big one is bias

@KidsSwagCo exist to be parents resource in Raising Confident Kids that Appreciate Difference

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